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Messages to Durable Slate Scientologists

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Messages to Durable Slate Scientologists Empty Messages to Durable Slate Scientologists

Post  Whanonstler Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:09 pm

I realized that this area is the only one that can be seen by guests.

This is the first Message to Durable Slate

DS is run by scientologists who use it to funnel money and potential cultists to the main org. We sent a note to Durable Slate employees, telling them to go to the EEOC manual, Section 12, Example 19 (see also footnote 95) because what is going on at Durable Slate is patently a Religiously Hostile Workplace. The EEOC manual uses Scientology as an example.

Scientology is bad news and dangerous. It will drain you of money and energy and time and it will never deliver what it promises you, and like a battering, abusive spouse it will blame you for your lack of promised abilities and powers.

That is why we followed up with this message:

There are no OTs or Clears. There are no powers or reactive minds or thetans or body thetans or any of that.

If you are a scientologist, whether at Durable Slate or not, Anonymous encourages you to go to the non-Anonymous run board, http://exscn.net it is run by former scientologists who have regained their freedom and their ability to think critically.

It is easy to leave scientology. Just walk out the door.
TubesOrg Commodore

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Messages to Durable Slate Scientologists Empty Re: Messages to Durable Slate Scientologists

Post  Whanonstler Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:04 am

Just a quick note, in just a month and a half our video message has reached 1000 hits. That does not seem a lot compared to other videos, but is rather good for a very specific message. Most of the hits have been in Ohio, with many in Florida and California, primarily, so it seems we got some people's attention; I do know that Flag is PISSED about the video because it exposes issues which might compromise the cash flow to the cult should these issues be remedied.

I say we should stay on target. A couple of small changes have been introduced because of us, but it is not enough. A WISE business is an unwise choice. And when you treat your employees as mere grist for the cult mill? Well, scifags: you pulled this in.

There are no OTs. There are no Clears. They have no integrity, they have no decency; they are part of a criminal organization which must be brought down for the betterment of humanity and for the epic lulz.

Never gonna give you up, DS, never gonna let you down...
TubesOrg Commodore

Posts : 882
Join date : 2008-04-02
Location : Trantor


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