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New Video: Message to Columbus Scientologists, at the org and Durable Slate

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New Video: Message to Columbus Scientologists, at the org and Durable Slate Empty New Video: Message to Columbus Scientologists, at the org and Durable Slate

Post  Whanonstler Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:53 am

The following video has been released on youtube.com


It is also aimed at Cincinnati Scientologists, a particularly thugish and vile bunch, and members of the cult in general.

Wake up- come up to present time.

From the description:

The video is "NYC Street View Time Lapse" produced by Chuck Heron and licensed under CCL, Attribution and share-alike:


The sound is the planet Saturn, giving off radio waves in its own version of an aurora borealis and the file is in the public domain

This video is primarily aimed at the cult of scientology, especially the Columbus Org, the scientologists running Durable Slate as well as all Ohio Scientologist, to demonstrate that their crimes and criminal nature are being and will continue to be exposed to the light. Scientology is a dangerous, ugly organization that does terrible things to its critics and those who might dare speak the truth about it.

To you, Scientology, Anonymous is The Shadow, everywhere and nowhere and we will make sure you undestand that crime does not pay.

[Text Follows]
Hello, Columbus Scientology, Ohio Scientologists and Scientologist leaders of Durable Slate. We are Anonymous.

Once again Anonymous is at cause and the cult of scientology is at effect. Your cult sought to use verbal and physical intimidation, as well as blackmail to silence a former scientologist now living in Cincinnati. This former member is physically disabled and a single mother, yet your so called church sent a man to beat her down in front of her home, in front of her child, and threaten to use the contents of her auditing file against this woman.

No real church, synagogue or mosque would use any confidential statement, be it an act of confession or simple counseling, against their members, either to keep them as members or to punish them. The cult of scientology has, and does. The assailant's threat proves this.

What was this woman's offense that was so great that your cult flew a man in to beat a helpless woman? She refused to stop giving honest and real information about the crimes and criminal nature of scientology. The ironic truth is, every day more and more people become aware of this very thing.

She is, and will continue to, cooperate with the federal and local authorities in her depositions and now this case.

What does this have to do with Anonymous being at cause?

Anonymous helped reveal his identity. Based on the description provided by both the victim of this hateful crime, and her daughter, Anonymous created a police quality sketch of the criminal. Anonymous members submitted candidates from our vast local archives of photographs and video tape. This led to a provisional identification by the former cult member and a final positive identification by her, and her daughter. The young woman never saw the submitted photographs yet independently picked the same man from a photo line up that her mother did.

Anonymous is at cause, and the cult is at effect. There are no Operating Thetan Powers. There is no such thing as a state of clear. There is only a pyramid scheme designed to take your money, and rob you of your livelihood, and your dignity as a free human being. There are only bullies and thugs.

We know your corporate structure, we know your names, we know your public records. We know of possible crimes committed by members of the Columbus chapter of the cult, and will continue to dig and find and reveal.

We know that a certain upper member of Durable Slate was recently sent down to New Orleans. Was it because of his unprovoked physical altercation against an anonymous protestor in September? Or was it because he was constantly out ethics, and could not be brought back in?

Remember, just because you have all hands come in during a protest does not mean that one of your own doesn't wish desperately to be free of the cult and its malign influence, but is afraid of ending up like the woman in Cincinnati. It would seem that a person or two in your very org, or front groups craves that freedom and individuality that you have tried to strip them of.

What you hide, Anonymous finds. What you hold close, Anonymous reveals, whether it is your crimes, or the terrible way people are treated at Durable Slate, and how money that should go to winter heat, truck maintenance and employee benefits, is funneled to Durable Restoration and then to the cult.

Remember: to be part of a criminal organization as the cult of scientology surely is makes all its members complicit in its crimes.

For all of you scientologists, Anonymous has a special message: you have mocked up, your own past lives. That is the end phenomena of Operating Thetan Level eight. Anonymous has just given it to you free of all charge. You have mocked up, all your past lives: just as you once realized you were mocking up your reactive mind.

In short, you pay hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars to be told it was all about nothing. Nothing but an expensive ruse to remove something that never existed in the first place.

It is easy to leave scientology. Walk out the door and don't go back.

Anonymous will continue to find what the cult buries. Knowledge and people are, and must be, free.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion.

We do not forgive, we do not forget.

Expect us.

TubesOrg Commodore

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New Video: Message to Columbus Scientologists, at the org and Durable Slate Empty Re: New Video: Message to Columbus Scientologists, at the org and Durable Slate

Post  Spylon Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:09 am

When can we expect to get a RL photo and a name?
TubesOrg Recruit

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New Video: Message to Columbus Scientologists, at the org and Durable Slate Empty Re: New Video: Message to Columbus Scientologists, at the org and Durable Slate

Post  Whanonstler Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:13 am

Spylon wrote:When can we expect to get a RL photo and a name?

As soon as charges are formalized and a matter of the public record. No one wants to blow this case by prejudicing a jury or tainting evidence or identifications so the vicitim is just going to do exactly what her lawyer and the police and prosecuters advise.
TubesOrg Commodore

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